By Len Tomaszewski

DNFL Mission Statement

We are the DNFL and our mission is that we don't actually have a mission statement! That we are a bunch of folks who do fantasy football because it's fun, rewarding, and it makes us feel important! We do it for the jocularity, comradeship, and the fact we can take a moment away from our real lives. Here's to us who do fantasy football! Damn, there are a lot of us!

Losses: $2
Ties: $1
Soriano Anti-Tank Rule: Losses are $3 after 8 losses (starting with the 9th loss)

Draft: 9 Players, 6 Active & 3 Alternates
After Draft: 12 Players, 6 Active & 6 Alternates (Rookie Reserve can be set)
By Noon of Game 3: 9 Players, 6 Active & 3 Alternates
Trading Deadline: At conclusion of final NFL Game of Week 14
Trading Deadline Over: At conclusion of final NFL Game of Week 16
Rosters Frozen: At conclusion of the NFL Super Bowl

Waivers - $1 per
Last Year's Record: Through first three games of the season
Reverse Order of Standings: Games 4 to 14

Full rules

1979 and as revised, 1983, with various amendments
The DePaulia National Football League

Rules and Regulations

1. Roster.

2. Scoring.

3. Commissioner.

4. Money.

5. Protests.

6. Miscellaneous.

7. Franchise by-laws.

8. Playoffs.

9. Drafting by-laws.

10. Injured reserve.

11. Rights rules.

12. Roster Freeze.

13. Rookie Reseve (Valentino).

14. Kuziel Rule.

15. Byes (Carpenter/Tomaszewski).

16. Waiver rule.

17. Playoff trade rule.

18. Alcantara/Kuziel Definition of Involvement or Definition of an Active Owner.

19. Out player (1998 revision).

20. Trophy (2007 revision).

21. Len Tomaszewski Bowl (2007).